I have started packing. Am I crazy? Maybe... I am just sooooooo excited!
Now all that's left is to go get Mike some new shirts today, celebrate a couple Christmas parties, finish packing and were off------- woop woop!
I have started packing. Am I crazy? Maybe... I am just sooooooo excited!
This was our christmas picture. Not exactly what I was thinking but it was the best we could get. Daisey is just as crazy as ever and little miss Sophie was as grouchy as ever. But,... It's cute and shows our animals' personality. Mike and I always wonder if we pick weird animals or if it is us and how we raise them?!?! Oh well,... they make for fun conversation.
I hope everyone out there has a safe and happy christmas. I know it is hard for me, but try to remember where we got the whole christmas season from. Jesus was born to save us. God gave his only son for us and our sins. A little baby. Whenever I get cought up in the crazieness of the season or start having a pitty party about everything that has happened to me, I have to take a step back and remember...
The True Reason For The Season
God Bless
Then I continued on my house work and started making a pie when I heard a thump thump. It sounded like Sophie (our cat) was jumping on something. I ignored it and then heard it again a short time later. So as I went to investigate the noise, this is what I found...
This pic was actually taken about a month ago. I have been lagging in the pic department of her. oops : )
OK, I think you are all updated. Have a great Columbus Day! (Whatever that means. Was it on this day when he found America in 1492? I dunno. Whatever.)
We were so excited!!! (Can you tell by how big my smile is?!?!) But, a few days later I started spotting and I ended up having a miscarraige the next day (Thursday). I am still kinda in shock! It all happened so fast! We are and then we aren't.
I just keep asking myself why? I don't understand what God has against me. Why does he allow me to keep having these heart aches? Why does he not want me to have babies? Why can't I just have the happy healthy family that I have been longing for so long? So, needless to say, the labor day weekend that I had wanted to enjoy for so long, I didn't. It was great weather and everything but I was stuck in my chair for most of the weekend, having to take it easy.
We did get to go to the Tigers game on Monday though. It was a makeup against the Yankees. It was nice I suppose. I think I did too much though because I am just exhausted today. They lost too, so that stinks. Other than that, there isn't much else going on. I think that's enough though!
I just can't do it. I can't hold it together for tomorrow. I am sure that 90% is all in my head and the anticipation is the worst but I am just loosing it tonight. I just can't believe they are gone. Why did they have to go? Why couldn't I keep them safe in my belly? They were so cute. You all would have loved them I am sure of it. But none of you got to meet them. *Tear* How unfair is that! I need prayers. I need God tonight! Lord help me. Lord please take good care of my girls. Tell them that mommy loves them SOOOOOO much and misses them terribly! Oh so terribly.
It was very suiting that we picked her up on Saturday July 5th, 3 months to the day after Leah and Maya passed away.
As silly as it sounds, she is really helping me cope. I am now able to be the 'motherly' person that I have wanted for so long. As you see in the picture she loves to be held like a baby. She acts just like a baby too(she sleeps for about 3 hours, wakes up to go potty, then she eats and plays a little, and then it's right back to sleep for another 2 to 3 hours.)
Daisey is awesome! I now have something to live for. I know that sounds very depressing but it's the only way I can really describe how much she means to me! She relys on me for food and shelter and she has truely shown her love and affection for me.
So that's all for now. I just wanted to introduce our new puppy to all of you out there! Thanks for reading and I will keep you updated as things happen! God Bless!
This is the one and only picture of me pregnant with the girls. I stole it off my mom's computer (sorry mom!). I just still cannot get over how large I look. I guess I didn't feel as big as I looked, especially for only being at 22 weeks at the time. This was taken on Easter Sunday. I look at it and think of all of the miserable times I had. The 24/ 7 morning sickness up to about 4 months, the back pain, the stretching and almost constant uncomfortableness (if that's a word). I remember how miserable I was that day. And now I wish with every fiber of my being to back in that postion. I want them back in my tummy where I considered it to be safe. Obveously I was wrong about that. Well,... I should get going. Again, I hope you are all well out there and please keep praying for me and Mike as we are still struggling day to day with our emotions.