Monday, May 12, 2008

My beautiful babies

So Mothers day came and went, as I knew it would. I didn't get a card, I didn't get a "Happy Mothers day" from any one, I didn't get any calls. Am I really a mom? I don't feel like I am or was. I don't have two beautiful babies to hold. No one even seems to recognize me as a mom, or even the fact that I did give birth to two beautuful girls. So, am I? I don't know. Mike gives me the reasoning that "no one wants to hurt my feelings or 'rub salt in a fresh wound.'" And I just respond to him by saying "It hurts more that no one recognizes the fact that I did have two little girls."

I guess that this is my way of nicely saying, I want to talk about them. I wish people would acknowledge them as our children, our little girls. It hurts to talk about me and my feelings but I could talk all day every day about Leah and Maya, if you couldn't already tell by the blog.

I love all of you who support me and Mike and read our blog and pray for us and the girls. Thank you. God Bless.

1 comment:

Kate @ When Hello Means Goodbye said...

I am so sorry that no one acknowledged your mothers day, that was my worst fear, I feel so heart broken for you about that. You are a mother, in every since of the word.
Please know that i am hear for you whenever you want to talk about your girls, I love to talk about brenham too, all the time. so i would totally be up for a brag fest about our beautiful children whenever you want. You know how to contact me!