Monday, June 16, 2008

Grant me peace!

I lost Leah and Maya over 2 months ago and I still wonder. I can't help but think today that I would have been almost 8 months pregnant with the girls. I can't help but lay and wonder what could have been, what should have been! Like I have said before, I try to enjoy the good things in life. A sunny morning with blue skies to wake up to, a pedicure, a swimmer or parent showing appreciation for what I do everyday, or just the tight hug from my hubby. I try to stay in the moment and soak up everything. Much much easier said than done! I know in the back of my head that God has a greater plan than I could ever understand or (at the moment) appreciate. I just,... ...I dunno. It's so tough! God is really testing me today that's for sure!
Well,... I suppose I should go and try to sleep! God Bless! ~kell~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello! I just came in and read your blog and I cried and cried. I am so sorry for your loss, but I wish you all the best of luck and happiness in the future.

Hang in there, sweetie!