Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The crazyness of everyday life

We are still trying to figure out our hospital bills. Can you believe it?!?! Four months after Leah and Maya passed away! I read an article the other day in a magazine saying that something like 90% of all medical bills are not correct. HELLO! So,... say I got 10 bills (I wish it was that few) one of them was billed incorrectly. After reading this article, I decided that I was going to call and ask about some of these bills. Sure enough, a couple weeks later I got a letter saying that they messed up on some of the coding and that they would cover it. How can you mess up on a bill that was well over $100? And that's just one of the many! How many others were 'messed up?' Aghhh,... So as we are still trying to figure that all out, I hurt my finger really badly yesterday (I would perfer not to say how and those of you who know how...hush. It's a little imbarrasing)
Gross huh?!?!
It kept getting more and more swollen and more painful so I figured that I should just get it X-rayed. But befor I make another mistake, I called the insurance company to make sure that it was covered. They say it is (but we will see in about 3-4 weeks) That's all I need is another mistaken hospital bill!!! So I go in and sure enough, I have a partial bone evulsion (not sure how to spell that). But baisicly I chipped some of my bone off and it's just floating around in my muscle tissue right now! GREAT! So I am off to the orthopedic surgon to see if I should have surgery to remove it or to just let it go and see what happens. I am sure that he will tell me what to do since he is the profesional.

And then on top of everything, Friday is/was the girls' due date. ... I am not sure what to say. I hope none of you out there ever have to experience what I am right now. And if you have you know what I am feeling. ... It's very difficult... God Bless.


Daddy's Dream ~Mommy's Miracle said...

I pray that as their due date approaches you will be comforted. I know how hard the day will be. You will be in my thoughts.

Karin said...

You will be in my thoughts and prayers as the girls due date approaches. I can't even imagine what you two must be feeling. May God be with you.
