Monday, August 25, 2008

I've been tagged

Ok, so I have been tagged to tell 6 random things about myself that most people don't know. So,.. here it goes.
1. ) I am just about blind. (For those of you who know your eye's, I am a -10 in both eyes) No joke. If I wasn't wearing my contact right now I wouldn't be able to tell that I was sitting in front of a computer. Thank goodness for modern technology. I always wonder what it would have been like for me to live like 100 years ago. I probably would have been considered the crazy blind lady : )
2. ) I am deathly afraid of spiders. Even talking about it right now gives me the willies. I don't know what it is about 'em but I have to check my bed every night and I am always looking at the ceiling making sure none will drop down on me.
3. ) When I was little I never got a sun burn. I pretty much lived at the beach all summer and my skin almost turned black! I remember when I was about 17 I went to Arizona and I got just a little burned on my nose and shoulders and I couldn't believe it. It was all down hill from there.
4. ) The blueberry field that my husband and I own are all one variety and it is the one variety that I really don't like the taste of (bluecrop, blach). Sorry to all those bluecrop lovers out there : )
5. ) I love, love, love to watch thunderstorms. I especially like to watch them form and come in over Lake Michigan. But I usually don't get to go out that much so watching them come in over the farm is a good second. Lightening is just so cool!
6. ) And finally, I am so sorry to say this but I am not going to vote this election year. The whole politics and 'I promise to fix this' and bashing your opponent over whatever just makes me flusterated. I am sick of it. I personally don't like any of the candidates and ,... yah,... I will leave it at that. (P.S. this is the one and only time I will get into talking politics on my blog. That's it.)
SO that was my tag and now I am tagging Kristi : )


Nick and Kristi Bonstell said...
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Nick and Kristi Bonstell said...

Thanks Kellie:)

Krista said...

Thanks so much for your comment. I spent last night reading your blog and I am just heartbroken. I hate to hear that others have had to experience this pain. I am so sorry for your loss and will say a prayer for peace and comfort for you.