Thursday, August 20, 2009

4 years later,....

It's our anniversary today! What a ride it has been thus far! When we got married, I never imagined we would be where we are today (physicaly, emotionally,... )
Here we are,... we look soooo young!

What a long day! I was so hyped up on excitement but it was like 90 degrees and running around for everything made me pooped out!

And here is our super fun wedding party! They were rockin it on the golf carts :)

And wrapping everything up with a midnight putting practice :)

Four years ago I thought I would already have a toddler whom I was potty training and either a new born or one on the way. We were suppose to be in our permanant house and in the midst of some super awesome renovations. The only thing that really is going the way that I saw it going is the whole job thing. Yah, I have a bachelors degree in teaching PE but I really never saw myself as a full-time teacher~ especially while I have little ones around. So I got that going for me : / (I kinda regret not pursuing a job now that I am still toddler-less.)

I am so in love with my hubby though. Even through all the crap that we have been through, I think it has brought us so much closer than most other couples. We have triumphed over adversity together, grieved together, and am now dealing with infertility together. Yes, many, many a times I have wanted to strangle him (and I am sure he would say the same about me) but how can you compare with all that we have been through together?!?! We often times sit and wonder how we made it out like we did with everything and I can only give the credit to our faith in God and prayer. ~So much more powerful than I will ever understand.~

Here's to many many more years and hopefully many many more babies :)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Monday, August 3, 2009

Right To Life Auction

With everything that has gone on in our lives in the past few years, I have really started to get involved with Right To Life (RTL). Not that we have ever, or ever will, have to make a choice of an unborn child but we really understand and know the REAL vaule of a baby. So, on August 19th, RTL is having a dinner and auction at the Post Family Farm near Hudsonville.

You can go to their website and get more info and where to get tickets for the dinenr. There is also a list of what is going to be auctioned off. You might notice that we are giving away 40 pounds of blueberries next year,... yummm!!! Come and bid on stuff and all proceeds go to RTL!

Friday, July 10, 2009


Here is a link to a map of how to get to the farm : )
Woodland Enterprise Blueberry farm
We are about 15 min North of Holland and 15 min North of Zeeland. Oh, and just to give you a little heads up, Pierce Street is a dirt road!
If there is a problem with the link let me know! Thank you

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

It's time...

... to pick!
Just to let you know, we will be starting U-pick and already picked blueberries on Monday, July 13th. We have been getting calls like crazy so I thought I would let eveyone and anyone know who was interested. If you would like more info let me know!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Let them eat cake :)

My birthday is tomorrow (yikes!) a week after that is my father-in-laws and just after that is my hubby's. So, we had my inlaws over the other day and I made this cake.Clearly, I am not that great of a cake decorator. I was running out of time so I kept it simple. The best part was the inside anyways. I got this great recipie form Jaclyn, I think. I am not totally sure, but I got it from a blog while blog-jumping.
Heres the inside : )

It was so good and moist! Even though I am not the super best baker in the world, I was pretty proud of it! Such a bright blast of color when you cut into it. Fun-stuff!

Monday, June 1, 2009

I forgot to mention,...

I was going to thank you all in the last post but I forgot. That idea about cleaning my stove top with a Magic Eraser worked so well. Awesome! I would have never thought! So thank you again!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Memorial Day weekend

I know that it has been a while since I last posted here but I have been super busy. Work, house stuff, and memorial weekend vacation. We had a great time and got some sun which is always a good thing.

We caught some big fish! I think the boys said that this one was a rock bass... I dunno,... :) And I tried to take the hook off but that sucker had it way in his mouth. Normally if it is just on the lip I will take the hook off. I don't really like it but I feel bad about bothering the boys all the time.

I think Daisey had the most fun by far! She is such a water dog! This is her taking a peek off the pontoon boat.

We also did some kayaking. Very enjoyable :)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Here it is

Sorry it took so long to update pics of the finished kitchen. I would like to say that I have been busy cooking and baking (well,... kinda) but honestly I have been lazy and busy. So here they are.

So,... what do you think? I love it!!!! I know I don't really have a color scheme, but,.. it works for now. This isn't our permanent home and hopefully we will be able to move into our place sooner rather than later!

One question I have for you all. As you might be able to tell I have a flat top stove. I kinda burnt something on it the othe day : ) and I cannot seem to get it off. I tried a scrubbing pad and everything but,... nata. Any suggestions? Thank you.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

It's finally done!

The kitchen that is. Well,.... at least 95 percent done. It's usable at least. I have never lived through a home full-on construction project and ughhhh, it's NOT fun! (but well worth the pain!)

Here is the kitchen prior to the demo. Messy and small huh!?!? I can't believe that I cooked in that for almost 4 years. And here are a couple mid-demo pics. (The stressful time of the project!-no sink, no oven, no baking or cooking!)

And here it is just about done- and in Mike in the midst of finishing up the plumbing.

Our list to make it 100 percent:
-paint ceiling
-install light above sink
-install dishwasher (scheduled for tomorrow- thanks Andy!)
-put toe kicks on
-and put knobs on the cabinet doors
I will post a couple pics of the actual finished product. Hopefully by this weekend : )

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Changed my mind

I have decided to keep this blog going a little bit. It won't be anything emotional or super gushy posts. I will just use this to post fun interesting things that have been going on around our home. Take for example Daisey. She is getting soooooo big. This was her the day after we got her so she must have been about 6 weeks old.

And this is her now! She is still such a little baby on the inside but a big 65 pound dog on the outside!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

We are back

It was so much fun and enjoyable but it feels good to be back with the pets. I am not, however, crazy about all this snow that has been coming down! yuck. I do not have very much time right now but I did want to let everyone know that I will be making a private blog and no longer using this one. (for purposes that I will explain in that blog) If you would like to be able to check in with me periodically please email me and I will give you access. Thank you. All my love~ Kell